Tuesday, January 12, 2016

I have a dream to have my own bakery and you can follow my journey here. My name is Jesse and I am a baker! I work at a bakery in Provo and want to start selling my own on the side, I can't wait to get started! The first thing you will need to know about me is that I am spontaneous and stubborn. If I want something, no matter how ridiculous, I will work until I get it. A week ago I came home from work (at the bakery) and decided I wanted to own my own bakery someday. So, I started making cupcakes, some awesome, some less awesome, and today I made some amazing Green Apple White Chocolate Cupcakes. THEY WERE SO GOOD. So now I want to share that with others, once I solidify some more cupcake recipes, hopefully I will start getting somewhere with it. Follow my journey here!!